✉ pearson@statisticalexpert.com
☎  214-597-1267


& Expert Witness Testimony

Analytical services for businesses, law firms, and government agencies using proven statistical methods.

Pearson Statistical Consulting & Expert Testimony provides statistical services to assist in decision making processes for corporations, lawyers, government agencies, and healthcare providers.

Legal support services include reviewing and critiquing other expert reports, analyzing data pertinent to cases, writing expert reports for submission to court, and testifying in deposition and court. Experience with legal assistance in a variety of areas including employment discrimination, insurance fraud, inventory disputes between companies, contract disputes between companies, medical billing disputes, sampling plans and extrapolation of results.

Business support services include sampling plans for use in auditing financial data or inventories, analyzing and extrapolating the results. Extensive experience in designing and conducting surveys. Statistical modeling of client data for the purpose of estimation and/or forecasting. Outlier detection and analysis.

Statitical support for heathcare providers centers around clinical trials based on prospective studies. Experience in working with Data Safety Monitoring committee.

Statistics Specialty Areas include, but are not limited to:

Statistical Modeling and Estimation
- regression analysis, multivariate regression analysis, generalized estimating equations and hierarchical linear modeling to assess factors of importance in characterizing/predicting a variable of interest
Sample Design & Analysis
- develop statistical sampling plans, extrapolate results to the sampled population
Database Management
- verify, characterize and analyze large databases
- analyze biostatistical data, support clinical trials
Employment Discrimination
- statistical analysis of employment data in discrimination cases
Insurance or Other Data Driven Fraud
- statistical analysis of data and practices pertaining to insurance fraud
Ph.D. Statistics Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas
M.S. Statistics Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas
M.A. Mathematics The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas
B.A. Mathematics The University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas

... statistics expert witness, litigation support, statistics consulting, sampling plans, business statistics, healthcare data analysis, survey design ...

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